

Just started twittering a few days ago. The site's a lot slower than I thought it'd be.

You can follow me at: http://www.twitter.com/SimpleInfoSec



Hello, allow me to introduce myself, I am Robert Faustus. I'm just a regular guy who ended up in the IT security industry. I have previous experience working in the consulting industry around technology risk and compliance audits. I've seen all kinds of security risks associated with enterprises around the nation. I moved on to an information security job in the industry and now provide expertise to my company in protecting their most valuable assets.

Industries at least have regulatory laws and compliance requirements that they must meet but what about the average Joe?

I want to provide helpful advice for everyone. In between I'll post random posts as well, but for the most part, I made this blog to be an information security advisor for the masses. Unlike the fictional character Faustus, I haven't actually sold my soul to gain knowledge... yet. :-)